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      The Federal University of the South of Bahia - Brazil created by Law 12,818 of June 5, 2013 is an autonomy with didactic-scientific, administrative, patrimonial and financial autonomy, under the terms of the Brazilian Constitution.


      The purpose of UFSB is to:


- Generate, disseminate and share knowledge and techniques in the fields of sciences, humanities, arts, cultures and technologies;

- Provide academic training, continuing education and professional qualification in the different fields of knowledge and performance;

- Promote university extension, generating and sharing innovations, advances, perspectives, proposals, achievements and benefits resulting from creation and research;

- Foster peace, equity, solidarity and rapprochement between generations, peoples, cultures and nations, opposing any and all forms of violence, prejudice, intolerance and discrimination.


      The UFSB establishes as principles:


- Academic Efficiency

- Social integration

- Commitment to Basic Education

- Regional development


      Recognizing that education is a political act, the FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH OF BAHIA establishes itself with the mission of producing and sharing knowledge, knowledge and practices, forming citizens, professionals and intellectuals endowed with critical awareness and social responsibility. It reaffirms its commitment to the transformation of the economic, social and political realities of the region, the country and the world, in the perspective of a planetary citizenship.

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